Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lesson 2 - Equilibrium

Lesson 2 is at the heart of why I've chosen to start this blog. It came out of a conversation with a co-worker about dogs and the idea of introducing a new dog into the house. In that conversation, he said something that really struck me and has stuck with me. I was saying I was concerned that Penelope would be a little upset with having a new dog to share the attention with.

And he said, "They will adjust, dogs just have this great sense of equilibrium. She'll know how to bounce back."

Wow. Equilibrium. For some reason that struck me. He was so right, but it was so much more than that. Dogs provide us with equilibrium. I realized that Penelope has become a source of equilibrium, a sort of steady eddy, my rock. No matter how up or down I am, she is my steadfast companion. His comment about dogs' ability to adjust to the world around them and regain their balance made me think - my daily runs with Penelope has helped me to find balance.

There's something about tip-toeing out of the house each morning (my not so quiet friend in tow) to get outside as the sun is just coming up, the two of us (now 3 of us as Lela has become a fixture in our morning runs) heading out into those serene early morning hours before life gets busy and complicated that gets me centered. Those runs, no matter how much they drag me or how many squirrels they chase, help me find my equilibrium.

Those moments I spend running with them by my side are bliss. Because they hold me accountable, I get up each morning no matter my mood and I run. And because I run, the problems seem to melt away. With each deep breath, life gets a little less complicated. It all comes together and each run I return to our front stoop relaxed, happy and.... balanced.

Maybe it's the exercise itself, the endorphin release, and it certainly is that, but I think there's more. A morning run is nice. A morning run with Penny or Lela or both is something more. We connect and move together. The pure enjoyment they show as their tongues hang out, lips curled up in a smile, tails gently wagging amplifies my own enjoyment and gives meaning to our routine. These runs keep me grounded and they keep me sane. They add balance to life even at its craziest.

Equilbrium. Balance. Penelope and Lela provide us that. Each day no matter what happened, no matter how bad traffic was or how bad our mood is, they are there. They are there with tails wagging, awaiting our arrival. They are happy to see us and as our constant companions and friends, they bring us back to center. They celebrate our joys with us, but lessen our sadness with a chin rested on your knee. They are there. They are present. And whether we realize it our not, they keep us in equilibrium.

I'm not sure I can thank them enough.

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