Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Background Pt 1: Me as a Runner

Although I'm just getting around to starting this blog, Penny and I have been running together for almost 6 months already, so I thought it might make sense to bring everyone up to speed on how we got to where we are now.

Me as a Runner:

This transformation began in late 2008-2009. I played D1 lacrosse in college and after graduation needed some time to decompress and step away from constantly training. But I also needed a way to get rid of the ridiculous excess amount of muscle I had from years of too much lifting that goes along with playing a sport in college. Well, how many really huge long distance runners do you know? Seemed like a promising route. BUT, two obstacles- 1. After years of sprints and track workouts and conditioning drills, I didn't particularly like running and I never considered myself a distance runner and 2. I have had 4 knee surgeries including two ACL reconstructions and I'm currently ACL-less in the same pesky left knee that simply cannot keep an ACL intact. After wrapping our senior season (which I had to play in a big 'ol DonJoy knee brace), we are required to have an exit physical to determine how much additional medical care our battered bodies can get for free before we get kicked to the curb. Mine went something like this-

Dr. G & Dr. D "Your knees are a disaster. Your ACL no longer works because the bone has deteriorated. We suggest that we first do a bone graph to repair the damaged bone then 7 months later we will do another ACL reconstruction. It'll be 18 months of rehab, but it will hopefully save you from a full knee replacement at a young age and maintain your ability to play sports actively."

Me- "Well I don't really want to play lacrosse anymore and my knees don't hurt now that the season is over. I just want to be a runner. Is that surgery really necessary?"

Drs.- "It is up do you, but it's our suggestion that you do it and by the way- yea running is out of the question, definitely not a good idea."

Well after rehabbing through 4 surgeries through highschool and college and spending probably a combined 12 months on crutches, I was not looking forward to beginning my adult life in the working world on crutches. Just not that sweet.

So instead I did the exact opposite. I've always had a bit of a defiant streak and I love it when people tell me things I can't do- WHAT A CHALLENGE!! After resting for a few months, I started jogging. Initially my knees hurt and then finally I went and bought running shoes for their functionality NOT their style. Lo and behold, GOODBYE KNEE PAIN!!

Without pain and without the stress of workouts and time trials etc, I began to find joy in running. It was an escape, a release and I finally didn't feel so much pressure. If I saw a great view or a cute puppy, no one would care if I stopped to take it in or pet the pup. I could enjoy being outdoors and just moving.

Justin got into running along with me and soon we tackled a half marathon and then signed up for marathons. In 2009, my goal was to do one of everything: 1 5k, 1 10k, 1 10 miler, 1 half marathon & 1 marathon and I'm proud to say I did it!

Of all my friends and teammates I'm probably the last anyone would have suspected would run a marathon, but I did it and I loved it! I felt like my running transformation was complete. I'm certainly no Kara Goucher and can't hold a candle to my friend and ultra-runner Alyssa Godesky, but I could at least hold my own as a semi-legit runner. And I had proved to myself that I could do something that no one (often including myself) thought I could do. 26.2 miles is a long way and despite all the games I've played it is probably my proudest athletic achievement because the victory was solely mine. I've never been the star of a team, but I was proud to have done something for myself.

I completed the Baltimore Marathon on October 10, 2009. We closed on our new house October 13 and moved that day. So much for resting after the marathon....

Running took a backseat due to moving, settling into a new house, school starting for Justin's little one and the just general rush of life.... and then came PENELOPE....

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